Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Our evening at Dancing with the Stars

A few months ago Jason found some random website and signed the whole family up for tickets to American Idol or Dancing with the Stars for the finales. We didn't get any then, but last Thursday his mom got an email about the Dancing with the Stars (dwts) season premiere on Monday. We got tickets! So Barbara and 3 of the 4 Carruthers headed up to LA from Phoenix at 4 am (yikes!) The best part is they brought Uncle Conrad along to do some free babysitting! We got dolled up and picked Jason up from work to head over to CBS studios (I know it's an ABC show, go figure). We dropped Amanda and Barbara off at the curb while we parked a couple blocks over at the Grove. Good thing too because they only let about 225 people in, and we were 190-194 after getting there around two o'clock!

We got into the lot and they herded us to sit on these painfully uncomfortable benches. This became a people watching feast. The tickets said "elegant attire" was required. There are ALL kinds of interpretations out there on what is elegant. For those of you in Phoenix, think Van Buren. For the LA crowd I guess think Sunset. Our group looked stunning, of course. However, you can imagine that I looked like I was with the wrong group: Barbara probably about 6'2" in heels, Amanda was as tall as Jason with her heels on, and Jason clockin' in at 6'5". I may have topped the charts at 5'3 1/2 with my ultra cute Calvin Klein sandals. (At least they didn't pretend like they didn't know me, so I guess I was okay.) Quick excerpts from people watching: Me - "I'm thinking those green velvet ballet shoes were a big mistake for that woman over there" Jason - "and that purse shaped like a sundae isn't?"

We were told it would be a 15 minute wait at 3:30; therefore at 4:30 we finally shuffled into the studio. We were in the back row of the balcony over the judges. We couldn't see the judges, and we could only see about half of the dance floor. (we could see the Kardashians..yawn..Courtney looked plastic) They had monitors up, so that we could scope out what we were missing. The stage and floor looked much smaller in person. We quickly learned that our not-so-great seats had one advantage. If we craned our necks we could see backstage. So we saw most of the dancers before the show only a few feet away. We learned a few things: Max and Alec-cuter in person, Edyta's body is even more "smokin" (Jason's term) up close, approximately three inches of fabric is all it takes to cover Julianne's amazing butt, and there are no camera tricks being used, Susan Lucci looks incredible in person. We were instructed on how much noise and clapping we were supposed to do, and then the show started at 5:00 L.A. time to be live on the east coast. I have to say by the third dancers my hands were tingly. A couple more and Amanda and I were both sure we popped some blood vessels, then by the end I really couldn't feel them anymore, so I got over it. I must insert here that Rocco DiSpirito looked pretty tasty in person. I believe I said "he could saute my onions anytime", but I am sure this was okay since Jason was drooling over Julianne Hough. The show was a total blast. The commercial breaks seemed much shorter than at home when we zip through the tivo. It was a lot of fun watching it again at home with our insiders' perspective.

The cherry on the cake of our night came at dinner. We went to the Marmalade Cafe at the Grove and sat on the patio. We had a possible Jason Bateman sighting (Amanda and I weren't 100% on that) Then we saw Derek Hough and Shannon Elizabeth walk by, very lovey dovey, so don't believe the break up rumours. A few minutes later we saw Julianne holding hands and smooching some guy. Then Mark, Kristi Yamaguchi and hubby and several other dancers. I am sure we were total dorks getting all excited that they were walking by, but you know we don't get out much!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cute Guy!

Everyone loves a cute guy in blue jeans!

Friday, September 5, 2008

New School Year

Here are the big boys ready for the first day of school. Jake started the THIRD grade! Max started FIRST grade. Where has the time gone?
Extremely unusual for Jake to actually smile while I am trying to get a picture (he's too cool for that) He was in a great mood, and looking forward to the day. What you can't tell in the picture is that he will soon be taller than me (not a big feat, true).
Here's Max's usual picture pose smile. He is a hoot!
"I can't believe Mom is making us pose" direct Jake quote. We were walking home from school. They both had a great day!