Saturday, May 30, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We spent the holiday weekend making a splash in our backyard!

Dodgers Game

Jason, Jake, and Max went to a Dodger's game. They got to see a Grand Slam, eat lots of Dodger Dogs, and see the Dodgers win.

Mom's Gone - Boys Day at the Beach!

Sam likes to admire the ocean from afar. He will sit and play in the sand all day, but generally keeps clear of the waves. Jake dragged him out to the water to see if he would deal!

I went to a scrapbook retreat at the beginning of May. The dudes went to hang at the beach for the day. They had a good time just chilling with Dad all weekend, eating junk food and watching movies.

Max Races to the Pineword Derby Finals

Max had won a place in the Pineword Derby finals. The whole gang from Arizona came for the weekend to watch Max's Bank Truck heat up the tracks. It was a great weekend!