Friday, November 21, 2008

Goodbye Old Friend

We had to say goodbye to our long time companion, Sydney. It is hard to believe that it was fourteen years ago when we got her as a puppy. She was a house warming gift in our first house. She had a lot of good times with us, and we will always remember them.

The time she and Sofia got the leftover turkey down off the counter on Thanksgiving is a classic. This prompted Kate, who was about three and didn't talk a lot, to say "Julia, Sydney and Sofia are into the turkey Tom". We tell that story every thanksgiving.
Also, classic is the time in San Diego when I was trying to get a cute pic of the boys playing in the backyard. I uploaded the pictures, thinking how cute are these going to be? When I noticed Syd taking care of her business in the background of every shot.
Then, there were her amazing jumping skills when she was younger. She could clear a four foot high wall easily. She loved to jump the wall and roam the neighborhood.
She loved to chase critters: desert rats, chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits. She didn't discriminate. If it was small, and moved she would go for it.
She has not been herself for a long time, and though it was hard, we know she is no longer in pain. Our always entertaining and often annoying pet and protector we will miss you and loved you well.