Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jake's First Band Concert

It was standing room only at Jake's first band concert. The teacher splits his time between three elementary schools in the area; so all three got together for the performance. We had to stand up in the back of the room to see the concert. As you know this only works when you are very tall. At least one of Jake's parents could see the show. (If it wasn't for the telephoto lens we would never have gotten a shot.) We could hear just fine from the back though. The teacher did a great job. On one song he had each instrument group play the song through solo, so that we could hear. Of course we all thought the clarinets were the best, but we are a little biased.
Jake was so funny the day of his performance. He would be fine until he heard us discussing it. Then he suddenly would say he wasn't feeling well. He had a big case of denial about his big case of nerves. Jason was so great with him. He explained how it was natural to be nervous, and that he always was before he performed. He assured Jake that he would come through with flying colors, which he did.

You know we also thought he was the cutest kid there, but I am sure we are a little biased about that too!

1 comment:

The Karg Family said...

That's awesome!! I'm still a band-o myself.