Saturday, December 5, 2009

Williams, AZ - Snow!

It got colder and colder on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. In the evening it really started snowing. The kids were already in bed but not quite asleep. They all ran outside and played in the snow in their pajamas. The next morning there was a small blanket of snow on everything. It wasn't quite enough to make a snowman, so Jake and Russell made a "snow puffle" (all you Club Penquin experts know what that is...). The famous "snow puffle".
The boys got to play around for a little bit and then it was time to head home. They took off ther wet socks and snuggled in for the long drive. It is always fun to visit snow, but we were glad when we came home to 73 degrees and a beautiful California day!

1 comment:

Our 3 Monkees said...

So fun! I say if its gonna be that cold out it may as well snow, then at least its worth looking at. 73 degrees, wow that is a beautiful day.